Kittens are among the most euthanized animals in shelters due to lack of space and lack of programs to address their specific needs.
One Tail at Time’s youngest program, The Kitten Rescue Team, focuses on saving the lives of orphaned kittens, neonate kittens, moms with kittens, and kittens too young for adoption.
After they are rescued, One Tail at a Time kittens join a foster family until they are healthy enough to be adopted into a forever family of their own.
3 ways to join our Kitten Rescue Team:
1. Make a lifesaving donation to the kittens.
We’ll send you our exclusive and adorable Kitten Team swag! Learn more here.
2.Become a kitten foster family.
Email [email protected] to learn more.
3.Make a donation of supplies to our OTAT kittens.
Visit our wish list for a list of current needs.